Specialized Equipment
Specialized Equipment
Specialized Equipment


Specialized Equipment

High Vacuum Systems

High Vacuum Systems

Industrial high vacuum systems, up to 10 HP, 500 CFM, and vacuum to 100-inches H20 provide simultaneous high-powered source capture of contaminants from multiple work stations. For welding, finish grinding, and solder applications, Clean Aire Technology supplies low noise-level, high vacuum units with self-cleaning, high-efficiency filters.

Vehicle Exhaust Systems

Vehicle Exhaust Systems

Clean Aire Technology supplies complete systems for the removal of harmful fumes from diesel and gas engines. For auto and truck maintenance facilities as well as firehouse needs. Overhead systems are available with spring and motor operated reels, along with oversized hose reels, and a variety of other overhead exhaust solutions. Emergency vehicle exhaust systems may be equipped with a pneumatic track or rail system, a vertical stack system, or a stationary mechanical release system. Underground exhaust systems are also available.

Emergency Vehicle Exhaust Removal

Emergency Vehicle Exhaust Removal

First Responders including Fire Departments and ambulance companies protect their employees by installing our sliding balancer track and rail systems with magnetic and pneumatic tailpipe connectors with automatic disconnect.

Kirk and Blum (KB) Clamp Together Duct Work

Kirk & Blum (KB) Clamp Together Duct Work

The K&B clamp together system represents a complete line of ducts and components. All parts are standard sheet metal construction with a rolled lip applied to each end. K&B duct work is distinguished with a lifetime guaranteed stainless over the center locking clamp with a hinged O-ring gasket available in different materials including Viton, Gore-Tex, red silicon, rubber and EPDM to meet high temperature chemicals or FDA needs. This widely used ductwork is available in both Stainless Steel (304-316) and carbon steel in gauges from 18 - 26ga. This rugged ductwork is more easily installed, cleaned and moved. Duct drawings are a service K&B offers.

Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization Systems

Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization Systems
For Protection Against COVID and Pathogens

Businesses, schools, hospitals and nursing homes use our technologically advanced Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI) systems documented to have a kill rate of 99.4% on COVID-19 in independent lab tests. This system can be easily installed in air handlers and independent portable systems for ventilated or non-ventilated areas. NPBI also purifies the air killing pathogens, viruses, and destroying VOC's.

Central Fan

Central Fan

We offer a broad line of blowers/fans for all types of ventilation issues. In addition to product diversity we offer prompt deliveries with most models.

Air Filters

Air Filters

We represent the major suppliers of air filters for all levels of efficiency and Merv ratings from large particle filtration to submicron Hepa filtration.
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Weld and Fume Control
Dust Collection
Mist Collection
Portable Units
Vapor Control
888.360.8616  •   info@cleanairetech.com
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